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STEMPilot manufactures flight and drone simulators, teaching students the theory of flight while they learn to fly on a global flight simulator. Students will use the 10 simulators training missions to learn all of the skills necessary and can fly a Cessna 172 from your local UAE airfield. Each flight plan uses geometry, trigonometry, algebra, physics, meteorology, topography and geography. Included are a curriculum book, a digital copy for students, easy-to-follow smartboard multimedia lesson plans, free training and support. These simulators are available as an Edustation on a moveable cart, and Pilot Pros sit-in simulators provide higher fidelity on multiple screens. We like students to form into flight crews of three, promoting collaborative learning. 


SAFEDrone kits include everything your classroom needs for using drones in education. Students first train on the PC drone simulator, then fly guarded-prop quadcopters indoors. Kits are sized based on the number of students working in flight crews of 3. Included are our curriculum, lesson plans, drone simulator controls, quadcopters, safety glasses, landing targets, altitude hold posts and obstacles for an obstacle course. 


CODEDrone is an all-new curriculum teaching student Python coding by learning to program and fly a Python-codeable drone. Kits include everything needed in your classroom and are sized based on the number of students in flight crews of 3. Each kit includes Python-coded drones, curriculum, lesson plans, landing targets, altitude hold posts, obstacles, and safety glasses.


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